2nd Grade Language - Phonic Generalizations 0201.1.11
Links verified on 12/29/2014
Apply phonics generalizations in order to decode words in the following ways: 0201.1.11
R-Controlled Read words containing r-controlled vowels (e.g., -ar, -ir, -ur). Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules. Use letter-sound matches and structural analysis to decode grade level words. Use parts of words (e.g., root/base words, compound words, contractions, prefixes, and suffixes) to decode grade level words. Apply long and short vowel rules when decoding text. Sounding Out Use sounding out words, chunking words into smaller parts, looking for blends, digraphs, diphthongs, word families, etc. as a means of decoding
unfamiliar words.
Decode Continue to decode unknown words that are grade-level appropriate.

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