Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules. 0201.1.11
Links verified on 12/29/2014
- Reference Skills: Syllabication - printables from EdHelper
- Sound it out - click on the word that the cat says aloud (warning-British accent may confuse some students)
- Space Station - Build a space station by using word study skills - Divide the word in blue into syllables and enter it into the box with a '-' between the syllables. Example: fi-nal
- Syllable Factory - break words up into "chunks"
(Warning: some words have been separated incorrectly. An activity for students might be to find the ones that are wrong vs the ones that are right!)
Syllabication Rules - print these as large flash cards
- Syllable Quiz 11 - identify where two syllable words should be divided
- Syllable Quiz 21 - identify where two or three syllable words should be divided
Syllable Rules for Students: Black line masters - Posters of simplified spelling rules to enlarge for classroom display or reduce to give to students.

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