Use sounding out words, chunking words into smaller parts, looking for blends, digraphs, diphthongs, word families, etc. as a means of decoding unfamiliar words. 0201.1.11
Links verified on 2/11/2016
- Beginning Consonant Digraphs - select the correct digraph
- Compound Words - [scroll down to find Compound Words] put the two words together to create a compound word.
- Consonant Blends - find the blend that matches the picture
- Ending Digraphs - select the correct digraph ending
- Final Consonant Digraphs - Identify the digraph that ends each word.
- Match of Mystery - 5 levels, short, long, digraphs, dipthongs and vce pattern.
- Paw Park: Sassy Seals - Match beginning sounds - (from Game Goo - Learning That Sticks!) [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Practice with Initial Consonant Blends - matching exercise with initial consonant blends
- Pumpkin Patch - Listen for the word family the picture goes along with. Beginning sound deleted, find what is left.
- Vowel Digraphs - select correct digraph to match picture
- Word Family Sort - online activity
- Word Family Exercises - Reading Practice with family words - You can print a list for each family.
- Word Families - activities to help students decode words.
- Word Families - select the word family to practice and select the correct beginning consonant to match the pictures
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