7th Grade English Language Arts - Media
Links verified on 6/4/2014
To work on seventh grade media standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.
Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).
Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
0701.7.1 Evaluate Media Effectiveness - Interpret how the sounds, images, and words used in television, radio, film, and the Internet are used to support the purpose of the production, and evaluate the
effectiveness of the techniques.0701.7.2 Visual & Verbal - Identify, analyze, and discuss the relationship between the visual (e.g., media images, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal in more challenging media and explain how the elements support or conflict with each other. 0701.7.3 Media & Message - Identify visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects, camera angles, lighting, and music in television or film or layout, pictures, and typeface in newspapers, magazines, and print advertisements) in various media, and explain how they carry or influence messages. 0701.7.4 Use Media - Present a clearly identifiable, explicit message, using visual, audio, and graphic effects and interactive features. 0701.7.5 Audience - Demonstrate an awareness of audience needs through choice of medium and the selection of images, words, and sounds. 0701.7.6 Audience Reaction - Consider potential audience reaction (e.g., being aware of verbal and nonverbal cues given by the audience during a presentation) to improve media productions. State Performance Indicators
SPI 0701.7.1 Appropriate Medium - Choose the most appropriate medium for a prescribed purpose and audience. SPI 0701.7.2 Images - Select the visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation. SPI 0701.7.3 Purpose - Identify the purpose of a medium (i.e., to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to describe). SPI 0701.7.4 Inference - Draw an inference from a non-print medium. SPI 0701.7.5 Message - Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented by a medium. SPI 0701.7.6 Conflict - Identify the type of conflict (i.e., person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. environment, person vs. technology) represented in a non-print medium. Review Help Resources to help review Seventh Grade English Language Arts standards

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