Present a clearly identifiable, explicit message, using visual, audio, and graphic effects and interactive features. 0701.7.4
Links verified on 6/4/2014
- Copyright in an Electronic Environment - Fair Use Guidelines for Multimedia
- Creating a Multimedia Presentation - Follow the steps to make your multimedia presentation
- Creating a Power Presentation - handout; many ideas with scaffolding along the way to help students complete a project.
- Multimedia Presentation Checklist - adaptable for middle school students; a customized checklist that you can print out
- Producing a Video - handout; many ideas with scaffolding along the way to help students complete a project.
- Ten Tips for PowerPoint Slide Shows - create and deliver visual aids that complement and reinforce your message.
- Twelve Tips for Creating a Better PowerPoint Slide Show - produced by the Communications & Information Technology department at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
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