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February Picks from Internet 4 Classrooms

February 2010 Featured Picks

Our Picks for February 2010 include a variety of topical areas of interest to teachers, parents and students. To suggest a topic for Spring 2010, be sure to email us at the address below. We are dedicated to finding you the best of the web to fit your individual needs.

Holidays & Observances:

  • Black History Month: February -Discover a variety of resources, activities and lessons for every all grade levels. These resources are perfect for use in the classroom or in the home.
  • All About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - Celebrated this year on January 17, 2010, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a time for all of us to reflect on his life, its meaning and his teachings. We have quizzes, craft activities, "I Have a Dream" speech, and lesson plans.
  • Valentines' Day - Find creative project ideas for all ages to use in the classroom or the home!
  • Chinese New Year - 2010 is The Year of the Tiger. Learn the history of this holiday and how to celebrate with customs, food, and decorations.

More Resources:



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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