Interactive Sites for Whiteboards
Links verified 8/11/2020
- CCSD's Elementary Whiteboard Sites - extensive list
- Engaging Learners the SMART Board Way - very long list of resources
- Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources - interactive whiteboard resources and activities to stimulate learning
- Interactive Literacy Sites - teacher created resources from the Teacher's Guide
- Interactive Math Sites - teacher created resources from the Teacher's Guide
- Interactive Math Websites for Interactive Whiteboards - from the Teacher's Guide
- Interactive Sites for Education - K-5 online, interactive, educational games and simulations
- Interactive Whiteboard Activities - article with ideas from Engaging Technologies with a list of starting points for finding resources at the bottom of the page
- Interactive Whiteboard Activities - free literacy activities for an interactive whiteboard or an individual computer
- Interactive Whiteboard Games - a collection of interactive whiteboard games for educators on PBS KIDS
- Interactive Whiteboard Resources - pick a subject, then an age group from the menu on the left of their page
- Interactive Whiteboard Resources from Scholastic - activities to use with any Interactive Whiteboard
- Interactive Whiteboard Resources from Top Marks - To get started pick a subject, then an age group from the menu on the left.
- Interactive Whiteboard Resources from Utah Education Network - links to resources and an article with ideas
- Mathsframe - Free Resources - Eleven free applications are available from a new UK software start-up. Each application has multiple levels and all work great on interactive whiteboards.
- Mr Wolfe's Interactive Whiteboard Resources for PreK and K - use the tabs across the top to find other grade levels and subjects
- SMART Exchange - lesson plans and resources for a SMART Board
- Social Studies - Interactive Maps
- Teacher Tools from DreamBox
- The Whiteboard Blog - 20 interactive whiteboard resources for teachers
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