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Interactive Whiteboards / SMART Boards

Interactive Whiteboard and SMART Board Resources

1. Lesson Plans for Interactive Whiteboards

Variety of Lesson Plans for Whiteboards, Promethean boards and SMART boards.

2. Interactive Sites

Try these interactive sites for your whiteboard: Language Arts, Literacy, Math, Social Studies, Games, Whiteboard Resources, Whiteboard templates. We also love the Jeopardy Games.

3. Care for Promethean Boards and SmartBoards

Tutorials on setting up your board, help guides, care of boards, maintenance, and instructions for removing permanent markers from whiteboard surfaces.

4. Training and Tutorials

Classroom Resources, Tools, Training Tutorials, Frequently Asked Questions, and Instructional Tutorials.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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