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Lesson Plans for Interactive Whiteboards

Lesson Plans for Whiteboards

Links verified 7/14/2016


General Lesson Plans | SMARTBoard Lessons | Promethean Lessons and Resources

General Lesson Plans for Whiteboards

  1. Everyday Math Resources - from Center School District
  2. First Grade Templates - files in MS Office format and are interactive
  3. Interactive Whiteboard Activities - activities to use with any Interactive Whiteboard
  4. Mathsframe - Free Resources - Eleven free applications are available from a new UK software start-up. Each application has multiple levels and all work great on interactive whiteboards.
  5. Primary Resources for Interactive Whiteboards - a UK site with excellent resources for a primary classroom
  6. Using Electronic Whiteboards in Your Classroom - Profiles, ideas, lesson plans and web sites

SmartBoard Lessons

  1. Engaging Learners the SMARTboard Way - ideas, lessons, templates and more!
  2. Interactive Literacy Sites for the SmartBoard - Primary grades
  3. Interactive Math Sites for the SmartBoard - variety of sites to choose from
  4. K-2 Language Arts SmartBoard Lessons - many lessons to download
  5. K-2 Math SmartBoard Lessons - many lessons to download
  6. Smartboard Primary Gallery - Many lessons for primary students using sound and animation to make your Smartboard highly interactive [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  7. Smartboard Lessons - from Scholastic
  8. SmartBoard Resources and Lessons - Albany School District [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]

Promethean Lessons

  1. 16 free to use Promethean Interactive Flipcharts for Primary Schools - Math resources
  2. How to Clean Promethean Whiteboards -
  3. Promethean Planet - use this site to search for Promethean resources



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