Training Tutorials for Promethean and SMART Boards
Links verified 7/14/2016
SMART Boards
- Anecdotal accounts of how electronic whiteboards have improved teaching and learning
- Instructing with Smart Boards - This document is a Window's vertion of the User Guide.
- Set up directions for SmartBoard - YouTube video.
- SmartBoard Tools - Quick Reference
- Smart Training Center - Free training materials
Promethean Boards
- Promethean User Guide - This user guide will allow customers to leverage the latest Promethean Clicker technology with our award winning assessment for learning application
- 20 Easy Steps in Using ActivInspire -Answers to common questions
- InteractiveWhiteBoard Training Guide Level 2 - Detailed training guide
- How to use ActivInspire - Toolbar guides, instructions, explanation of uses and more
- Promethean Activstudio One Stop Shop - Wiki site that includes lessons, video training tutorials and a lot more. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]

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